Replace your halogen lamps by LED
While halogen bulbs consume a huge amount of energy and become incredibly hot, LEDs make it possible to drop consumption by 85-90% and markedly reduce the heat emissions. Incandescent bulbs were replaced in the 1990s, with ES halogen bulbs – so-called low consumption (ES standing for Energy Saver). But the gain was generally only in the region of 10-15%…
These halogen bulbs were of limited interest as they were largely superseded by LED technology. The latter offers solutions that are both perfectly compatible and much more cost-effective.
Replace traditional bulbs easily with ultra-low consumption LEDs
It is possible to install new LED bulbs without a transformer and directly at 230V. This is also what makes them so successful. The lifespan represents one of the most interesting aspects. LED bulbs work, depending on the model, for between 20,000 and 25,000 hours (average lifespan).
The price of bulbs being rather attractive, the combination of the factors lifespan and energy saving, makes it easy to do the maths: without a doubt, LED relamping is an investment that you won’t regret!
Also choose better quality lighting for greater visual comfort and attractiveness
With LED bulbs it is also possible to select various shades and nuances of white. This makes it possible to use them in all sorts of situations depending on your specific needs.
The main reasons for moving to LED low consumption bulbs are: quality, durability, energy efficiency, price, colour temperature, CRI, shape and size, dimming capabilities.