Are you struggling to keep up with technological developments in LED lighting? Have you received poor advice? Are you able to understand the equivalences between Watt and Lumens? The LED market has developed greatly over recent times and has diversified greatly. When choosing LED lights, the buyer is often confronted with various products and may be completely unaware of the technical differences, and the reasons justifying the differences in price. Here are some facts to give you a greater understanding of what you’re buying.

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More often than not, good quality LED lighting offers the following advantages:

  1. Presence of reflectors
    identical to those in halogen lights limiting unnecessary light diffusion
    and enabling the appropriate optimisation of the light effect with different angles available. 
  2. Integrated dissipator
    very high heat efficiency.
  3. Integrated diodes
    of very high quality.
  4. No differences in shades 
    from LED light to another.
  5. Installation of internal isolators
    and control components for high-level LEDs → increased lifespans.
  6. Products designed in aluminium alloys 
    tougher than plastic products.
  7. Can be turned on instantly
    the bulbs don’t flicker!

Attention should be paid however to the compatibility of LED lights. As some lesser quality products are difficult, even impossible to install yourself… Ask a lighting specialist for advice before starting out

How to choose your LED lighting? What are the preliminary questions?

To help you choose quality LED lighting suited to your needs, firstly answer these questions:

  • What is your current lighting source? Low-voltage halogen 12V? Halogen 230V? TL fluorescent tubes? Discharge lamp? Do you already have LEDs but want to replace them with newer, better performing equipment?
  • Is there already an alternative solution in the form of easy replacement with a LED light or do I have to plan to replace all of my current units to be able to reduce my energy consumption?
  • Using LEDs is it possible to significantly improve the quality, shade and general lighting level of my display or showroom? What are my specific needs and wants relating to lighting?
  • Are all areas in my shop lit up correctly? In a homogeneous way?
  • Is it possible to improve the profitability of a retail space by improving the lighting? 

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